In this article we will cover the following actions:
You can select submissions access to specify which submissions each person will be able to access or manage. You can select one option/site, multiple options/sites, or all submissions.
You can give access to others for forms that you own. Click here to learn more about what these different types of access mean.
Note: In order to grant these permissions, you must be a Form Owner or Form Admin.
Setting up permission fields for your form
- Click on the form you’d like to grant permissions to users on.
- Under Settings, select Edit Document.
- Click More Options and scroll down to the Permissions section.
- If there are unsaved changes, make sure you save your document before continuing.
- Best practices for Permission fields:
- Only dropdown fields will be available to select from.
- Label the fields on your document.
- Require the Permissions Field so all submissions are accessible.
- Fields assigned to Step 1 ensure the forms are accessible when the form is saved progress or submitted.
Click Select Permissions Field.
- Select your field from the dropdown options and click Save.
- Head to your form’s Permissions Page to grant permissions with specific submission access
Read this help center article to learn more about sharing permissions
Updating the permissions field on a published form
We recommend testing your forms before publishing so you can update any form settings as necessary. However, you should take into consideration the following when updating the permissions field on a published form:
Deleting/Updating dropdown options for a Permissions Field…
- Any edits to an existing Dropdown Field will only affect new submissions.
- Users with access to a deleted dropdown choice will retain their access to previously submitted forms. You might need to individually remove access if needed.
- Adding dropdown choices will allow you to grant submissions access to the new choice. However, only new submissions moving forward will be able to select the new dropdown choices.
- On the submissions page, you will only be able to filter submissions by the existing choices if the permissions field is also set up as a search & filter field.
Note: Selections labeled (Inactive) indicate submission access choices that were previously retired or removed from the dropdown list.
Changing the permissions field to a different field
- Users with existing permissions will retain access to old submissions (Inactive).
- If the new permissions field choices match the previous names, they will maintain current access and there’s no need to update their existing permissions.
- Ensure you share permissions for the new Permissions Field once it’s updated.
Deleting an existing permissions field
- You will no longer be able to break down permissions by submission access.
- Users previously with permissions will retain access to old submissions (Inactive). You might need to individually remove access if needed.
If the field was Filter/Email field, it will no longer appear but field data can be downloaded if you download data as a spreadsheet from the Deleted Fields section.
You can visit this article to learn more about updating permissions in bulk.