You now have the ability to grant users permissions to your forms in bulk using a CSV. This can be helpful when you have a large batch of users who need permissions to a form and may have not been given prior.
This article will show you how to use a CSV spreadsheet to grant users permissions to forms. In order to update the permissions for your form, you must be a form owner or manager.
Before you get started
If the list of people/roles you want to grant permissions to is already on a different form, you can download that form’s permissions list first to get started. Click here to learn more about downloading permissions.
To use a CSV upload to grant permissions to users…
- Click on the form you’d like to grant permissions to users on
- Under Settings, select Edit Permissions
- On the next page, click on the Invite People icon
- From here, you can select +Invite people from a CSV
- On the following page, you will be able to upload a csv of users.
- Your CSV must be uploaded in a particular format, that includes:
- The Email of the user you are granting permissions to
- The Role, or level of access, you are granting that user (See our User Permissions Levels here)
- If subset access is enabled on your form, you can delineate access in a Submissions Access column on your CSV. If no subset access is enabled, permissions should default to All
- If you Need Help, you can click Download an Example CSV to help you get started:
6. Once your CSV is prepared, you will select Choose File and select your file and select Import.
7. You’ll now be taken to a page where you can confirm the users’ emails. Once confirmed, you can click on Send Invite(s) to grant users access. They will then receive an email letting them know they’ve been added to your form
You can visit this article to learn how to update permissions in bulk. For instructions on how to give or change someone's access to a form you own, see article: Give others access to manage/track forms.
If you are not the Form Owner and would like to request the ability to add permissions in bulk, please contact the form's owner. If you're not sure who that is, please contact Informed K12 Support!