Note: This article applies to Account Holders with permissions to the given form. If you do not have an account, you can reach out to your district administrators to request an account. If you need permissions, you can reach out to the listed form owner to request the right level of access you need.
You can share the link to fill out your routed forms with your team or district. There are two ways to access the shareable link.
How to access the link through the manage page
How to access the link through the settings page
You can then share the link through the appropriate channels as needed. For your district's IK12 public directory (via the "Initiate" option at the top of your Manage Folders page) contact your district's Form Admin. For sharing the link on your district website, you'll want to contact your district's IT department to post it where applicable. You can also email the link out to your staff as needed.
How to access the link through the manage page
1. Navigate to your Manage page
2. Click the arrow at the top right of the folder and click "copy initiator link"
3. From the pop-up, click the "Copy to clipboard" button.
5. Paste this link into your district communication to your team (email, newsletter, etc.)
How to access the link through the settings page
1. Click on the folder menu for the form you are sharing.
2. Select Settings from the dropdown
3. Click the "Copy link" button.
5. Paste this link into your district communication to your team (email, newsletter, etc.)