Note: These instructions are for Form Admins. If you do not see these options, please reach out to your district People or Form admin.
The Campaign Responses API allows you to export data from the responses on a specific form in your preferred API application. You can use this API to retrieve data for all or specified responses on a form. It can be used for both Group and Routed forms and will have a unique identifier for each response.
To Pull your API Call, you will need the following:
- GET Call URL
- API Key
- Campaign ID
How to Generate your API Key
To obtain your API key, you will need Form Admin access and will follow these steps:
1. Navigate to your user Account Settings
2. Under API Keys on the left-hand side, select Generate new Key
3. Give your new Key a name and select Generate Key
4. On the next page, copy your key. This is called a Token.
Note: You must save this somewhere. You will not see it again.
5. Click Got it. Your API Key has now been generated and can be referenced here.
How to Obtain your Campaign ID
A campaign ID will need to be specified in your API call. To find the Campaign ID, you will follow these steps:
- Navigate to your form's Settings Page.
- Next, you scroll down to the bottom of the page and next to Responses API, you'll click "Copy ID."
You can now use your Campaign ID you copied to replace the [CampaignID] in your Get Call URL like the example below:
Now that you have your completed Get Call URL, you can import the data into your preferred API application.