This article applies to account holders only; Most people who initiate or approve forms do not have and do not need an account. Typically accounts are reserved for those who both have higher level access to manage forms and are accessing a higher volume of forms. If you believe you need an Informed K12 account, you can contact your district people admin.
If you do not have an account (most form initiators and approvers), you will automatically receive an email notification:
- Each time you initiate a new form
- Each time you save progress
- When a form is sent to you for approval (approvers only)
- When a form you initiated is completed by all steps in the approval route (if applicable).
How to change your email notification settings (account holders only)...
- Log into your account.
- Click on the person icon in the top right corner and select Account Settings.
- On the left side of your screen, click on Email.
- Toggle the "On/Off" buttons to change your settings for any of the types of email notifications listed and click Save.