Note: If you are trying to look up your own form and don't have an account, see article: Look up Submitted Forms. The information on this page is for form owners and those with view-only or form manager access only.
There are several ways to look up your submitted routed forms
How to access submitted routed forms from the manage page
Log into your account and click directly on the folder to navigate to the form's Responses page.
To find forms you’ve initiated, choose “Initiated By You” on the side bar.
This will filter the responses to the ones you’ve submitted. If you have submitted multiple responses, you can check out these instructions to further narrow your search.
You can also click on any of these other options:
Pending: shows you all in-progress forms.
Completed: shows you all forms that have finished the last step of the approval route.
Denied: shows you all forms that have been denied by an approver.
Archived: shows you all forms that have been archived.
Canceled: shows you all forms that have been canceled.
How to search for submitted forms
1. Log in to your account and navigate to your form's Responses page.
2. On the responses page, there is a search box in the middle of the page (e.g. "Search pending submissions"). Enter your search terms.
Note: It is searching through any information that you can see on this page. It does not search through all the fields on the forms.
How to filter submissions
Log in to your account.
On your Informed K12 Manage Forms page, click on the form you submitted.
On the Responses page, there are filtering options below the search bar.
Default filters are:
- Last Activity - For pending forms, when the form last had activity on it.
- Status - Shows what status the form is in. More info about statuses can be found here.
- Initiated By - The name of the person who first initiated the form
- Waiting On - For pending forms, the approval step the submitted form is currently on. If there was an issue notifying the approver, an error status will be shown here.
- Completed - For completed forms, when the last person in the approval route approved the form.
- Denied - For denied forms, when an approver denied the form
- Custom filters - Form owners can add most any field from a form as a custom filter. To learn more about customizing your search and filter options, you can follow the steps here.
How to sort submitted forms
Log in to your account and navigate to your form’s responses page.
There you will see column headers above the list of submitted forms. Click on the column name, such as Last Activity or Waiting On, to reorder the submitted forms in the table below. Clicking on the column header will sort the forms in ascending or descending order.