If you are looking for a form you submitted and do not have an account...
- Go to your email inbox.
- Search forms@informedk12.com.
- Look for an email with a subject line beginning with "Submitted" or "Completed."
Note: "Submitted" indicates your form was submitted by you; "Completed" indicates your form was completed by all steps in the approval route (if applicable). - Open the email and click on the Access Your Form or View Your Form button.
- Above your form in the white box, you will see the current status (e.g. Completed, On step 4 of 5, etc). If it says your form is still on a step, that means that it is still going through the approval process. You will receive an email when it is completed.
If you have an account and are looking for forms you've submitted or reviewed, see Finding your own form submissions. If you have Form Owner, Form Manager, Facilitator or Tracker access and are looking for the status of a specific form (yours or someone else's)...
- See articles: how to look up submitted routed forms or how to look up submitted group forms.
If you do not have the types of access listed above but do have an account...
- Depending on your email notification settings, you may or may not have received a notification email for your form. To view and edit your email notification settings, see this article.