Note: These resources are for People Admins only. This is a powerful access level for our primary district admins, who have access to the People Console and helps them manage all user accounts in their district.
To access people admin console videos click here.
In this article:
- District People Admin Overview
- Manage Owned Forms
- Manage Form Permissions
- Manage On Route Access
- Manage User Details
- Manage Centralized Approver Lists
How to manage the People Admin console…
- From your Manage Forms page, click on the ADMIN option in the far right corner. Then, scroll down and click on People.
- This will take you to the People Console. Once there, you will be able to see any users that have access to or approve forms for your districts. You will be able to view and manage users with and without accounts.
- A - This is the People admin console. You can click this menu option while navigating the people console anytime you need to come back to the main page.
- B - This is the Centralized Approver List console. You can view and manage approver lists of users across the district by form creators
- C - Filter users by a particular or multiple user roles
- D - View the status of the user’s account. The status could be listed as Activated, Deactivated, or Invited. You can click the menu option to view Approvers without accounts
- E - Displays the user Roles(s) for each user
- F - Invite new user(s) to create an Informed K12 account
- G - View and manage user settings. You can review the available options for user accounts below.
Next to every staff user account in your district, you will see a VIEW option. If you click on this option, you will be able to view and manage the following:
How to manage Owned Forms…
- If the user has created any forms, you should see the list of forms with the name, submission count, and status.
- Check the Show Archived option to list forms archived (inactive) by the owner
- You can transfer one, many, or all of the forms to a different user by selecting the desired forms and clicking Transfer and entering the email address for the new user.
How to manage form permissions…
- If the user has shared permissions to a form, you will be able to see the list of forms with the name, submission count, permission role, submission access (specific sites or all), and status.
- Check the Show Archived option to list forms archived (inactive) by the owner
- The Action menu will allow you to perform the following actions. Bulk Actions will allow you to perform the same actions when you select more than one form.
- Copy permissions: This allows you to copy the same set of permissions levels for one or many forms to another user.
- Remove permissions: This allows you to remove permissions to one or multiple forms if the user no longer needs access to the form.
- Transfer permissions: This allows you to remove permissions and transfer them to a different user who might be taking over their role.
- Update permissions: This allows you to update the permission level or submission access to a form. You can not update the submission access in bulk at this time.
Note: You will also be able to click the form name link to access all other form settings if you are also a Forms Admin User.
- Update permissions: This allows you to update the permission level or submission access to a form. You can not update the submission access in bulk at this time.
How to manage On Route access…
Approves section:
- If the user is listed as an approver on a form, you will be able to see the list of forms with the name, submission count, step name, approver title, and status.
- Check the Show Archived option to list forms archived (inactive) by the owner
- The Action menu will allow you to perform the following actions. Bulk Actions will allow you to perform the same actions when you select more than one form.
- Remove from route: This allows you to remove the approver from one or many approval routes
- Update approver: This allows you to update the name/title of the approver or change the email address if there is a new approver taking over their role. You may leave the approver name/title blank if you wish to keep the same titles for the new approver.
- Add approver: This allows you to add a new approver on the same form and approval step as this user.
Note: You will also be able to click the form name link to access all other form settings if you are also a Forms Admin User.
- Add approver: This allows you to add a new approver on the same form and approval step as this user.
How to manage Centralized Approver Lists:
- If the user is listed on any Centralized Approver Lists, you will be able to click on this menu option and view the list name, description, submission count, and on how many steps it is used.
- The View/Edit option will allow you to perform the following actions
- Add a new approver(s) to the existing centralized approver list. You can also add approvers in bulk.
- Update the name/title or email address (if someone else is taking over their role)
- Delete the approver if it no longer needs to approver submissions
How to manage User Details…
- User Role: Check one or more user roles depending on their role in the district. You can read more about user roles here.
- Deactivate Account: Deactivate that person's account. That person will no longer be able to log into Informed K12. If you deactivate an account and need to reactivate it later, you can contact our support team.
- Send Activation Email: If someone's account status is Invited then you can re-send them an account activation email. An Invited status indicates they have not yet activated or logged into their account.
- Send Account Invite: You can also invite staff to create an account if you are viewing a user without an account.
Alternatively, you can invite users from the top of the people page, and click on the Invite user button. You will then be able to type the email(s).
As a reminder, most people who only need to fill out or approve forms don't need an account. In addition, when someone is given Form Manager or other access to a form on the Permissions page, an account is automatically created for them if they don't already have one.
Note: If you need to update a user's email address, please send your request to
Manage Centralized Approver Lists…
- From the People Admin console click Centralized Approver Lists
- Click Add new list
- Add the Name of your list and an optional description
- Next, you will be able to upload a CSV of users.
Your CSV must be uploaded in a particular format, that includes:
- Email address
- Name/Title of the approver. EX: Director, Student Services.
We recommend that you use titles or roles that will be familiar to users submitting who may not know the individual approving the form.
If you Need Help, you can click the Download the example CSV link to help you get started
- Once your CSV is prepared, you will click Choose File > select your file > Open/Confirm
- Click Create List. Form creators will now be able to follow these steps to utilize the Centralized Approver list on their new forms.