Note: These instructions are for Form Admins only.
To access form admin console videos, click here.
The highest role for form access for district staff in Informed K12 is called a Form Admin. Form Admin have access to the Forms Console that allows them to have visibility and control over all forms in their district. Form Admins can access and utilize the Forms Console by following these instructions:
How to manage the Form Admin Console
- From your Manage Forms page, click on the ADMIN tab in the far right corner.
- Then click on Forms.
- This takes you to the Forms Console, where you can see all form for your district. They are organized by whether they are Routed forms or Group forms. Clicking on the MANAGE option next to the form will present several options, shown below. We’ll go over each one in more detail.
- Edit Permissions: If you click on Edit Permissions, you will be taken to that form’s Permissions page. You will have the same ability as the form owner to manage permissions for that form. This allows you to grant/remove Form Manager or View-only access for district staff.
- Edit Document: Clicking on Edit Document will take you to the Document Editor. Just like the form owner, you will be able to edit the fields on your form (add fields, remove fields, etc).
- Edit Approval Route: Clicking on Edit Approval Route will take you to that form’s Approvers/CC page. Like the owner, you will be able to edit approver names/titles, email addresses, and add approvers.
- Make public/private: For simple or routed forms, clicking on Make public or Make private will add/remove that form to/from your district’s Forms Directory.
Your district's Forms Directory is a page where anyone with the link to it can find and initiate forms that you make public. Account holders can also access this Directory by clicking on Initiate from their Manage Forms page. Your district's Forms Directory is hyperlinked at the bottom of your Forms Console page.
How to manage group forms
- As a Form Admin, you can Edit Permissions and Edit Document for group forms, just like for routed forms. You can also view a form's group and completion rate from the list of group forms.
How to manage centralized dropdowns
With a centralized dropdown, the Form Admin simply updates the dropdown such as a district’s Budget code or School site centralized dropdown lists from their admin portal. They can then rest assured that all district forms that use these centralized dropdowns are now updated.
Note: For forms that do not use the centralized dropdowns, the form owners must update each form individually to make this update.
For comprehensive instructions on how to manage these, check out this article here.