Centralized dropdowns are lists created and managed by your district’s Form Admin that automatically update across any district forms that utilize these lists.
Form Console: Centralized Dropdowns
00:23.22 Overview
00:42.47 General Navigation
04:31.63 How to Create a Centralized Dropdown
08:25.63 How to Make a Centralized Dropdown a Permissions Field
With a centralized dropdown, the Form Admin simply updates the dropdown such as a district’s Budget code or School site centralized dropdown lists from their admin portal. They can then rest assured that all district forms that use these centralized dropdowns are now updated.
For forms that do not use the centralized dropdowns, the form owners must update each form individually to make this update.
Creating centralized dropdowns
Utilizing centralized dropdowns on your forms
Utilizing centralized dropdowns on your forms
Removing centralized dropdowns from your forms
Creating centralized dropdowns
- From the Form Admin portal, click the Centralized Dropdowns tab.
Click Add new dropdown → name your dropdown → click Create dropdown.
Click Add Choices, add each choice separated by a semicolon, and click Add.
Tip: You can copy the choices from an existing dropdown by clicking the Copy choices to clipboard option from the dropdown while in the Document Editor.
If you want to choose the sorting order, you can change the Order by dropdown to Custom and edit the order by dragging each choice to the desired position. Note: Once your Centralized Dropdown is created, the order of the list will maintain the sort determined by the form admin.
You can Add or Remove choices after your centralized dropdown is created by clicking the View/Edit button from the Centralized dropdowns page.
Important Note: Making changes to the centralized dropdown will automatically update all forms utilizing the dropdown and take effect on all pending submissions unless the form owner has made a versioning change prior to the dropdown changes.
Additionally, we do not suggest the removal of choices on dropdowns used on a Permissions Field as it could affect access to submissions for users with form permissions. Removed choices will display as (inactive) on the permissions page
Utilizing centralized dropdowns on your forms
- When editing your document, select the dropdown tool and place it on your document.
- From the dropdown settings, choose the Centralized Dropdown option.
- Select one of the centralized dropdowns available for your district and save your document.
Note: Applying and unlinking centralized dropdowns will version your form, so future centralized dropdown changes will only apply to forms submitted after the centralized dropdown was implemented on your form.
Updating a centralized dropdown list
First, go to the Admin menu and click Forms.
Click Centralized Dropdown Lists
Locate the list and click View/Edit
- The update will reflect on all submissions for forms using the list.
Removing centralized dropdowns from your forms
If you no longer wish to use a centralized dropdown, you can unlink it from the Document Editor:
- Click your dropdown field, copy choices to clipboard if needed
- Choose the Define your own choices option.
- Save your document.
- If you copied the choices to your clipboard, you can paste the list back into your dropdown and edit from there.