If you have Form Owner, Manager, or Facilitator access to a form, you can cancel submissions. Form Owners and Managers will have additional access to restore a cancelled form.
If you do not have access to cancel forms, you will need to contact someone at your district who has the needed access to the form. If you're not sure who that is, you can contact the Form Owner from the submissions page (contact info is available at the top right corner).
How to cancel a form while viewing the form
How to cancel a form on the responses page
How to restore a cancelled form
How to cancel a form while viewing the form
- At the top right corner of the form, click on Admin Tools button in the top right corner.
- Select Cancel
How to cancel a form on the responses page
- Log into your account.
- Find the form on the Manage Forms page and click on it
- On the responses page, find the form you want to cancel. Click on the three-dots at the far right to expand the menu options and select Cancel form.
Note: Only forms that are pending can be cancelled. A form that is completed or archived can not be cancelled. To cancel a completed form, re-open the form before cancelling it. To cancel an archived form, unarchived the form before cancelling it.
How to restore a cancelled form
Cancelled forms can be found by clicking on the Cancelled tab on the left-hand side of the forms submitted page.
You can also use the search bar to find cancelled form. Open your form and click Restore on the top left corner.