In this article, we will review:
Note: This article applies to account holders with form creator access. Please contact your district people admin or other point of contact if you believe you should have form creator access.
The first step to set up your group form is to set up the group of recipients that you want to send your form to.
How to set up your group...
1. Create a spreadsheet (.csv file) with your group information. Your CSV should include the following:
- Student/Employee name.
- Email address(es) of those you are sending your form to (e.g. for employees or parents/guardians).
- Any student/employee information you want to pre-fill on your form.
Note: The format must have one row per student/employee (i.e. one row per form), with all other information in columns, as shown here...
2. Log into your account.
3. Click on the profile icon at the top right corner and select Groups/Docs.
4. Click Add Group
5. Name your Group and click Create Group.
6. Select Yes, I have a spreadsheet with this information, then Continue.
7. Click Choose File and select the .csv file from your computer; click Continue.
8. When asked, "Which column has first name?" click on the column in your spreadsheet that has the student/employee first name, then click Continue.
Note: If your spreadsheet has full name instead of first name (as shown in our example), first click where it says "Click here if you have a full name column"
9a. If you are sending your form to only one email...
When asked, "Which column has email?" click on the column in your spreadsheet that has the email that you want to send your form to, then click Continue. Review your selections and click Create Group.
You're done setting up your group! Go to the Set up Group Form section to set up your form.
9b. If you are sending your form to more than one email...
Click where it says "Click here if you have multiple emails per person." This is often used for two parents/guardians. When asked, "How should these emails go out?" select...
All at once if only one parent/guardian is required to submit it. Both will receive it at the same time, and whoever gets to it first will submit it. (most common)
Click Continue to Select Emails.
Match the expected fields to the correct fields in your spreadsheet. The following fields are required...
Full name / First Name & Last Name --> Select student name
Recipient 1 email --> Select the first parent/guardian email
Recipient 2 email --> Select the second parent/guardian email
Please note: If one of the recipients you are sending the form to is the student, you will need to use the Recipient 1, 2, 3 or 4 Email field, not the Student Email field.
Click Create Group
- You're done setting up your group! Go to the Set up Group Form section to set up your form.